How much is plenty? It depends upon how much you weigh, you take your weight, divide it in half and that is how many ounces of water you need in a 24 hour period. Of course if you are working out in the hot sun and perspiring a lot you would need more. For example: you weigh 160 lbs. Half of that is 80 so you need 80 ounces, which would be 10 eight ounce glasses. The type of water we need to drink is soft water, that is water that has no minerals, as the minerals in water are inorganic and are harmful to our health. Where as the minerals in food are organic and our body needs this type of minerals. Two types of water that have no minerals are distilled water and reverse-osmosis water.

Expose as much of the body to the sun. If you have a light complexion start with ten minutes and gradually increase it to a minimum of one hour a day. While sun bathing use no lotions, sunscreens (they can cause cancer), or oils. Do not wear glasses while sun bathing as it is important for the ultraviolet light to get into the eyes, and glass of any kind will keep the rays out. Interferon is effective against several different kinds of cancer including carcinoma, sarcoma and leukemia. This fact spurred the American Cancer Society; to purchase interferon from Finland for experimental use. Dr. Hans Strander of Finland discovered that he could give interferon to terminal bone cancer patients and double the number of long-term disease free survivors. White blood cells in our bodies manufacture this wonderful interferon that can help so dramatically in cancer. Sunlight is a great stimulus for increased white blood cell production and thereby increases the production of interferon.

Everything on this earth has an electrical frequency, the earth, the seeds, the plants animals, and the human body. Cancer cells have a different electrical frequency than normal cells. Our bodies can easily get off the electrical frequency that they are supposed to be on. How can we get it back on track? Very simply, by standing or walking bare foot in the soil. Wearing shoes is not a natural thing, although we need to protect our feet, as shoes insulate our body from the earth so it would be good to spend at least 10 minutes a day outside barefoot in the soil.

Deep breathing of fresh outside negatively charged air, (the good kind), helps cleanse the lungs and increase circulation. Fresh air from the ocean, near a river or waterfall or after a rainstorm is not only negatively charged but is high in oxygen which is very beneficial for cancer. Be sure to have plenty of fresh air in your bedroom as you sleep, keep a window open, even in the winter the window should be partially open. A fact worth knowing is that cancer cells cannot live in the presence of oxygen. (6)

Brisk Walking  is a good form of exercise, but not jogging, as the impact of jogging is harmful to all the joints of the body.  Bicycling and swimming are two other good exercises.  Exercising in a gym is not ideal as there is no fresh air, its like exercising in a dirty shoe.  One of my favorite authors stated that execise outside in the fresh air and sunshine is ten times more beneficial then indoor exercise. I believe the best piece of exercise equipment one can use is a regular or mini trampoline. By jumping on a trampoline you are exercising everyone of the trillions of cells in your body. Use it from one to three times daily for  a minimum of 3 minutes or longer each time. This exercise is especially good for anyone who has cancer of the lymphatic system.

The earlier you go to bed the better. Every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours, every hour after midnight is worth one.

There are many herbs for cancer, but the one I highly recommend is Red Clover. You use only the flower, not the stem or roots. Red clover contains the following chemicals: biotin, choline, copper, coumarins, glycosides, inositol, magnesium, manganese, and selenium. It also contains vitamins: A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, B17, C, P and the mineral Zinc. This is quite an assortment of minerals and vitamins for one herb. And possibly in the future we will discover it contains other important ingredients. Red Clover has been used in America for over 100 years to treat and prevent cancer. It is good for cancer on any part of the body. I have personally used it for many years at my clinic and have seen many individuals recover from cancer.

Use only the bulk red clover flowers, not the stem or roots, use no red clover capsules. Make a tea by bringing the water to a boil, removing from the heat and adding the herb. Let it steep for 20 minutes or longer. Use one to two teaspoons of herb per cup of tea. The best time to take the tea is at night before bed on an empty stomach. If you take it twice a day then also first thing in the morning when you first get up on an empty stomach.

You can order the herb Red Clover from Frontier Herbs Phone 1-800-289-8427 or on line at www.frontierherbs.com

Red Clover is now being studied for anti-aids and anti-diabetic activity. (7)

Many of you who have contacted me have mentioned that you were unable to purchase the herb Red Clover as it does not grow in your country.  If that case I suggest you go to a reliable herbalist in your country and find out what herb he uses for cancer and use it.  As there are many herbs for cancer as God in His wisdom made many different herbs for the many different countries He created.

When one has breast cancer they need to improve the circulation of the blood flowing through the breast. Two ways to do this is daily massaging the breasts and the other way is through hydro therapy. You fill two pans with water one with very hot water the other with very cold water containing ice cubes. You start by wringing out a wash cloth in the hot water and applying it to the breast and than covering it with a dry towel, leave it on the breast for 3 minutes. Than remove the wash cloth and apply a wash cloth that has been taken out of the ice water, apply it to the breast for only ONE minute and cover with a dry towel. You need to do this three times in a row. First hot than cold than hot than cold than hot than the last application is cold. What this does is that when you apply the hot water it draws the blood to the breast, when you apply the cold water it chases the blood from the breast. This is a very efficient way to improve the circulation in the breast, this improved circulation helps to carry away the toxins in the breast and will also start breaking down the cancer and carrying it away.

You should use no deodorants, as they are one of the causes of breast cancer, most breast cancers are located in the area of the breast near the armpit. Under your arm you have major lymph glands, and when you use deodorants, which contain aluminum and other toxic ingredients, they can enter the lymph system. The antiperspirant deodorants are the most harmful as they block the skin pores from sweating out the impurities in the body, so they are re absorbed into the body and breast area.

Also using any type of milk, eggs or dairy products are another cause of breast cancer, as these are high in artificially added hormones that can increase cancer of the breast and female organs. Also birth control pills are another cause of cancer of the breast and female organs.

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in the U.S. It is the third leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in the U.S.  Health experts estimate that about 70% of colon cancers could be prevented by changes in diet and nutrition. People who regularly eat red meat and processed meat have a greater chance of developing colon cancer.

There is an inheritance risk of approx. 50% for both males and females. When a parent carries a genetic predisposition, each child has a 50% chance of inheriting the predisposition.  If you have been diagnosed with colon cancer and someone in your immediate family has had colon cancer then my recommendation is for you to have the surgery to remove the cancer, since it is genetic and many times the body's immune system will not try to destroy the cancer because the body believes it belongs there. But under no circumstances do I recommend chemo or radiation before or after the surgery. On the other hand if no one in your immediate family has had colon cancer then I would first follow the diet, etc. I recommend and see if it reduces and disappears.

Almost everyone I have personally known, who has come down with cancer, has been under a lot of stress prior to getting cancer. We must learn to take the problems we cannot handle to God, (The Greatest Healer Of All Time). We cannot hold anger, hate, selfishness, etc. inside ourselves or we will not recover. The mind greatly affects the body. I believe that 90% of all sickness starts in the mind. King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived said, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine”, Proverbs 17:22

WHAT CANCER CAN'T DO It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot eat away at peace,
It cannot destroy confidence,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot shut out memories,
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot evade the soul.
It cannot reduce eternal life,

If a person who has cancer follows the simple things I have outlined in this article they will notice improvement within less then two weeks, the closer you follow this program the faster you will improve. JUST THINK, it is possible for you to heal yourself, you do not always need surgery or expensive dangerous drugs. All you need to do is follow what I have outlined here.

Yours For Better Health,

Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D.

Foot Notes:

(1) Surgeon General (1979), Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov. Printing office
(2) Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Newsletter, Vol. 7, No 4, June 1989
(3) Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Newsletter, Vol. 7, No 11, Jan. 1970
(4) Banik, Allen, The Choice Is Clear, pg. 24, 1989
(5) Shamberger, Dr. Raymond A. Study on role Vitamin A plays in building the Body’s Defense system. Dept. of Biochemistry, the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio
(6) Airola, Dr. Paavo, Ph.D. How to Get Well, Health Plus Publications, pg. 59
(7) Foster, S.& Duke, J.A., “ Medicinal Plants” Houghton-0Mufflin Company, Boston pg. 158, 1990

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